Sample Size Calculations for Medical PG Thesis Protocol

Dr Abhijit P Pakhare

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal

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What to expect from this session?

  • You will be able calculate sample size for common research study designs.

  • Write a statement for sample size calculation in your protocol

  • This session is NOT about

    • detailing concepts of sample size calculation

    • Statistical or mathematical basis of sample size formulae

    • Learning sample size formulae

Need to calculate sample size

  • Power

  • Validity of conclusions

  • Optimal usage of resources

  • Ethics

Pre-requisites for sample size estimation

  • Clear research question/hypothesis

  • Statistical test- for effect estimation or testing

  • Assumptions or expected results or prior data Width or precision around expected results (Confidence interval) or effect size

  • Confidence level (related to Type-I error)

  • Power (related to Type-II error)

Special considerations for thesis

  • Sample size calculations will be required only when you have

    • some hypothesis to test (comparisons or associations) or

    • to estimate prevalence or mean

  • Sample size calculations will NOT be required when your aim is to merely

    • describe the phenomenon or

    • profiling of patients with certain condition or

    • pilot investigation

    • sample size for such studies will be based on logistics and feasibility

Sample Size Calculators

  • OpenEpi

  • G*Power

  • Sample Size Web Application

  • R - {pwr} package

Sample size to estimate single proportion

  • Prior data or expected proportion

  • Decide relative error ( how much relative to proportion)

  • Decide level of confidence (95% or more)

  • Example

Sample size to estimate single proportion- Demo

Sample size to estimate single proportion by hand

\[ n = 4 p q / d^2 \]

  • p : expected proportion

  • q : 1- p

  • d : acceptable error around proportion

  • estimates sample size with 95% confidence level

Sample size to compare two independent proportions

  • Prior data or expected proportions

  • Decide Type-I error

  • Decide Type-II error

  • Example

Sample size to compare two independent proportions- Demo

Sample size to compare two independent proportions by hand

\[ n = 16 P Q / d^2 \]

  • \(P = (p1 + p2)/2\)

  • \(Q = 1-P\)

  • \(d = p1 - p2\)

  • p1 : proportion in Group-1 and p2 : proportion in Group-2

  • calculated sample size is per group

  • estimates sample size with 95% confidence level and 80% power

Sample size for comparing two independent means

Sample size to estimate single mean

Sample size to estimate Correlation Coefficient

Approach-1: Expected correlation different from no correlation

How to guide

Approach-2: Estimate correlation coefficient with some precision

How to guide

G*Power resources

G*Power Home Page

G*Power Tutorials

Previous session on Sample Size for Diagnostic Research

Thank You